Cosmic web

What is the cosmic web? – Big Think

First images of the ‘cosmic web’ reveal hidden dwarf galaxies

Clues About the Cosmic Web | Science

Astronomers captured images of the cosmic web for …

Astronomers captured images of the cosmic web for the first time

Using the MUSE1 instrument installed on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, astronomers now captured the cosmic web images in the early Universe for the first time.

The Network Behind the Cosmic Web

The concept of the cosmic web, viewing the Universe as a set of discrete galaxies held together by gravity, is deeply engrained in cosmology. Yet, little is known about the most effective construction and the characteristics of the underlying network. Here we explore and visualize the cosmic web as a network.

A thread of the cosmic web: astronomers spot a 50 million …

A thread of the cosmic web: astronomers spot a 50 million light-year galactic filament

A collaboration between Australian and German scientists gives an unrivalled view of the structure of the Universe.

An image of a piece of the cosmic web | Space – EarthSky

An image of a piece of the cosmic web | Space | EarthSky

An international team of astronomers has mapped a piece of the cosmic web without using bright quasars for the first time. They did it by turning a powerful instrument to a single region of the sky for hundreds of hours.

Scientists observe mysterious cosmic web directly for first …

Scientists observe mysterious cosmic web directly for first time | Space | The Guardian

Observations reveal cluster of galaxies about 12bn light years away linked by gas filaments

Keywords: cosmic web